The Healing Journey

Until we move toward wholeness, we cannot be or do our best work in the world.  The Healing Journey is not just a mental exploration of your life.  It is a spiritual exploration as well.  Healing requires us to embrace all of ourselves, growing into our most holistic vision of who we are and who we can become.
The Healing Journey is about living life both wholeheartedly and with a whole heart.

Are you ready to take the Healing Journey?  Do you:

  • feel a discontented longing for something…  more?
  • want to replace the loud doubting voices with loving and nurturing ones?
  • want to rearrange your life in a different and better way, before the Universe does it for you?
  • feel more connected to your inner guidance?
  • want to become more peaceful or a true peacemaker?

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu

I coach people to:

  • discover what integrity means,
  • create a strong foundation on which to live your life,
  • discover what you value most,
  • create an action plan to move you toward wholeness,
  • discover the mind, body, and soul’s innate ability to guide and  heal itself,
  • examine your biases to help you move to a more open and giving spaciousness in your life,

No two journeys are alike.  Each path is unique because each person’s journey and requirements for healing are different. While the methods of exploration may be similar, you are the only one who can determine what you will discover, which path you walk, and where the journey will lead you.


  • More contentment with the quality of your relationships
  • Increased self-respect

In most mystic traditions, the role of the mystic — and of the peacemaker — is to make whole. … To make peace means to make whole.”
~ Bernie Glassman, Bearing Witness: a Zen Master’s Lessons in Making Peace.) 

Before we can make peace in and with the world, we must make peace with ourselves first.  We must move toward wholeness.  We cannot ask others to make changes that we are unwilling to make.  As Gandhi said, we must be the change we want to see in the world.

Mitakuye oyasin.  All my relations.

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